
Make Learning Magical

Loren uses magical illustrations to make learning powerful and fun. “There’s no such thing as real magic,” Loren shares, but there are fun and amazing tools we can use that make our lessons easier to understand, remember, and live out. Coupling lessons with the emotion of awe reaches kids in profound and amazing ways.

School Shows

Whether it’s a Special Event, a Classroom Treat, or a Full School Assembly, Loren performs large and small shows for all ages sharing amazing magic in fun and memorable ways!

Close Up Classroom Lessons

Have a class, or a school lesson to teach?

Loren has dozens of close up presentations that can not only be performed in a lesson — they can be taught!

Themed Presentations & Magic Lessons!

Have Loren attend your class and present a Close Up illustration followed up with a FREE Magic Lesson on how to perform and share it!

Costs include magic props for all attendees.

Use Ropes, Rings, Cards, Coins, Cash, Keys, Chips, Books, Lights, Sponges and more to teach about things like:
Friendship, Habits, Perspectives, Reading, Growing and much much more…

Become a Magical Educator

As an educator or school parent, signup on the email list and learn, make, and perform close up routines yourself and with your kids for FREE.

It’s my heart to serve you.

Perform Yourself!

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